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News digest: In 17 days, conservationists kill 16 protected bears

A fatal bus-train crash in Nové Zámky, a small tornado, and what to do in Bratislava.

By: sme.sk

  • Jun 27 2024
  • 18
News digest: In 17 days, conservationists kill 16 protected bears
News digest: In 17 days, conse

Good evening. Here is the Thursday, June 27 edition of Today in Slovakia - the main news of the day in less than five minutes.

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17 days, 16 killed bears

The State Nature Conservancy (ŠOP), a conservation organisation falling under the Environment Ministry led by Tomáš Taraba, a nominee of the far-right Slovak National Party, has reportedly killed 16 bears in 17 days, according to former head of the Bear Intervention Team, Marián Hletko.

He obtained this information from ŠOP under the Freedom of Information Act.

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"Between May 6 and May 22, ŠOP killed 16 bears in Slovakia," Hletko wrote on social media. Among them were two males, nine females, and six cubs.

In the first four months of this year, ŠOP had only killed one bear. However, experts doubt that ŠOP killed the problematic bear. According to the news website Aktuality.sk, up to today, ŠOP has already killed more than 40 bears.

"I do not question the necessity to eliminate problematic individuals. However, this should only be done if other measures have failed," Hletko told Aktuality.sk, also criticising the inhumane killing of protected bears.

Out of the 16 bears shot, ŠOP killed 14. Three were shot by hunting associations that had agreements with the organisation. The reason for the killing of the bears is not known.

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Throughout the spring season, the Slovak media reported numerous encounters with bears. Simultaneously, politicians turned the issue into a political one, trying to make the killing of bears easier in the country.

Quote: "We are starting to look like Bogotá here, where dogs run in the streets and people have to hide." (Minister Taraba, April 2024)


  • Science: Slovakia is full of talented scientists. Have a look at our regular overview mapping what has been happening in Slovak science in recent months.
  • Accident: At least six people died in a train-bus collision in southern Slovakia on Thursday afternoon.
  • Law: Fico's cabinet has found a new way to restrict people's right to information.
  • Foreigners: Registry offices will no longer cause problems for parents of children born abroad.
  • Bratislava: A picnic for lovers of living history is returning to Janko Kráľ Park this weekend. Check out our brief selection of free events in the capital.

If you like what we are doing and want to support good journalism, buy our online subscription with no ads and a print copy of The Slovak Spectator sent to your home in Slovakia. Thank you.

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Vy or ty?

One of the joys of English is that we no longer distinguish between the formal and informal "you". One of the joys of Slovak is that they still do, writes Conrad Toft.


Taste Poland

On July 1, a presentation of the Malopolskie Region and its capital, Krakow, will await you at Hviezdoslavovo Square in Bratislava. The event is held to mark the beginning of Poland's presidency in the Visegrad Group (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary). You can look forward to folk music, crafts, and regional products. Zapraszamy!

See the full selection of top 10 events in the city.


  • Former police chief and Smer MP Tibor Gašpar was elected the new deputy speaker of parliament on Thursday. Gašpar will continue to chair the Defence and Security Committee. At the same time, coalition MPs managed to oust the opposition's chair of Public Administration and Regional Development Committee Michal Šipoš (Slovakia) and chair of Committee for the Supervision of Slovak Information Service (SIS) Mária Kolíková (SaS). According to the coalition, the two allegedly misused and overstepped their powers.
  • Charges against Smer MP Tibor Gašpar in the Ezechiel 7 case have been dropped, Gašpar announced on Thursday. In 2023, as part of Ezechiel 7 operation, police also pressed charges of bribery against Nitra-based entrepreneur Norbert Bödör. They also have been dropped against the businessman.
  • MPs on Thursday passed the Lex Assassination Attempt (lex atentát in Slovak), which comprises a package of measures to improve the security situation in Slovakia following the shooting attack of PM Robert Fico (Smer) in May. The law introduces new reasons to ban public gatherings, among other things. The new legislation should take effect as of July 15.
  • The new director of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ), Vasil Penev, has dismissed Martin Kremler, the head of the air quality monitoring department. Kremler has been working at the institute since 2011 and is considered a top expert in air quality. In April, Environment Minister Tomáš Taraba dismissed SHMÚ head Martin Benko without giving a reason. (Denník N)
  • For Sunday's Slovak match against England at the European Championships, a government plane with 90 people on board will fly to Germany, said Interior Minister and Hlas party leader Matúš Šutaj Eštok. "If you're asking whether any constitutional officials will go there, I don't know. ..Personally, I will go if I get permission from my wife," said the minister. Last week, several ministers were criticised for using this plane to travel to Germany for a football match. (Denník N)
  • In the village of Žirany near Nitra, a tornado appeared shortly before 17:00 on Wednesday. It caused minor material damages (video below).

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WEATHER FOR FRIDAY: Partly cloudy to cloudy skies, occasionally overcast. Showers and rain expected in several areas, with local thunderstorms, including intense ones. Daytime temperatures ranging from 25°C to 31°C. Meteorologists have issued a first-level storm warning for central and eastern Slovakia. (SHMÚ)


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P.S. If you have suggestions on how our news overview can be improved, you can reach us at editorial@spectator.sk.

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