17 Black: Attorney General refuses to give inquiry report to David Casa, Simon Busuttil
Nationalist MEP David Casa condemns decision to withhold 17 Black inquiry findings
A request by David Casa and Simon Busuttil for the 17 Black inquiry report has been turned down by the Attorney General.
In a Facebook post on Monday, Nationalist MEP David Casa said the request was turned down because the Attorney General does not want to prejudice any future prosecutions.
“I condemn this decision. The public has a right to know every detail of this theft and treachery. Institutions should operate in complete transparency in order to start winning back the trust it lost years ago,” he said.
Casa also said the inquiry contains court testimony suggesting that the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia was ordered after she exposed 17 Black in February 2017.
Casa and Busuttil were the ones who filed a request for a magisterial inquiry into 17 Black and the Panama Papers revelations.
They had filed the request after journalists revealed how €1.3 million had been transferred into 17 Black. The funds had originated from Azerbaijan and a company associated with the LNG tanker acting a floating storage unit at Delimara.
According to information revealed in the Panama Papers leak, Schembri’s and Mizzi’s Panama companies had to receive money to the tune of €150,000 every month from 17 Black.
Times of Malta and Reuters had in 2018 revealed that 17 Black was owned by Yorgen Fenech, who was a shareholder in the Electrogas consortium that won the multi-million-euro gas power station tender.