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Cities give govt thumbs down, message to Meloni - Schlein

Historic victory for PD and progressive camp says PD leader

  • Jun 24 2024
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Cities give govt thumbs down, message to Meloni - Schlein
Cities give govt thumbs down,

Centre-left Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein said after PD-led 'broad field' tickets won mayoral contests in all five regional capital run-offs Monday, plus a recent victory in another one, Cagliari, that Italian cities had given a 'fail' mark to Giorgia Meloni's rightwing government in a clear message to the premier.
    "An historic victory for the PD and the progressive camp," she said.
    "We won in all six regional capitals, snatching three of them from the right and with three new mayors.
    "From Florence to Bari, from Campobasso to Perugia, from Potenza to Cagliari.
    "It is irrevocable: the cities have rejected the governing right and sent a clear message to Giorgia Meloni.
    "No more cuts to healthcare, no more low wages and no more differentiated autonomy".
    photo: Schlein with Florence's first woman Mayor Sara Lunaro



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