According to the police, both the owner and the manager of the apartment building said that until December 16, three Turks were living there, who had been renting the apartment since December 9. This was the same day of the shooting attack in Glyfada, which killed two Turkish nationals and injured another. The attack was attributed to a purge between Turkish mafia groups.
So far there is no evidence linking the specific tenants of the apartment to the bloody attack in Glyfada, as the perpetrators have been identified. However, an investigation is underway to identify and locate them in order to test them for the pistol.
The pistol is being examined to determine if it has been used in any criminal activity.
It should be noted that after the bloody attack in Glyfada, two Turkish nationals were arrested and have already been taken into custody, while 12 others have been arrested so far in two operations in Athens and Thessaloniki.
Pistol found in Glyfada Airbnb; three Turkish nationals wanted
A pistol was found by a tenant of an Airbnb apartment in Glyfada on Saturday, who alerted the owner and he in turn alerted the police.