Colder temperatures expected on Saturday
On Saturday, a cold atmospheric front with precipitation will pass through Bulgaria. Minimum temperatures will be between minus 2°C and 3°C, in Sofia - minus 1°C, and highs will be between 2°C and 7°C, in Sofia - 2°C. In the mountains it will be clou
On Saturday, a cold atmospheric front with precipitation will pass through Bulgaria. Minimum temperatures will be between minus 2°C and 3°C, in Sofia - minus 1°C, and highs will be between 2°C and 7°C, in Sofia - 2°C.
In the mountains it will be cloudy with snowfall, which will stop in the afternoon. A moderate and strong wind will blow from the west-northwest. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1,200 m will be around minus 2°C, at 2,000 m - around minus 6°C.
Along the Black Sea coast it will be cloudy with rainfall, which will stop in the afternoon. There will be moderate, temporarily strong winds from the west-northwest along the northern coast. Maximum temperatures will be between 6°C and 8°C.
A fast cold atmospheric front will pass through the Balkans. Rainfall, snow on high ground, will occur in the southeastern half of the peninsula. The weather will be mostly sunny in the Northwest. In Athens daytime highs will be 17°C, in Istanbul - 12°C, in Bucharest - 6°C, in Belgrade - 3°C.